Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation is one of the most common aesthetic procedures performed in the United States. Breast implants have been vastly improved since the first breast implant was placed in the 1960's. We want you to be well-informed about breast implants prior to undergoing breast augmentation. The surgery itself is a safe procedure. The surgery is an outpatient surgery that is a short procedure but still requires general anesthesia. You will go home the same day, and the key to a good recovery is to stay active postoperatively.
After your surgery, we will want you to avoid strenuous activity, but we want you to stay active. This will include stretching every hour and doing your normal activities. This will help you keep your muscles and body loose and prevent pain and stiffness. The things we want you to avoid will be heavy exercise that uses your chest muscles (pushups, pec flies, etc).
This depends. You need to be examined by a plastic surgeon to determine this.
We will have a conversation in clinic about what size you desire to be. However, your body dictates what size breast implants are possible. Our goal is a natural appearing result, and it is important to pick an implant that is not too big.
Breast implants need to be monitored. The FDA recommends routing monitoring with MRI or ultrasound to evaluate for rupture.
Yes. Each breast implant company has a different warranty. We will inform you of the manufacture's warranty prior to surgery.
Breast implants are not lifetime devices, but they do not need to be replaced on a specific timeline. It is important to follow up with your plastic surgeon in order to monitor them.
Future revision surgeries
Capsular contracture (scar tissue that squeezes the implant)
Breast pain
Rupture (tears or holes in the shell) of saline and silicone gel-filled implants
Deflation (with visible change to breast size) of saline-filled implants
Silent (without symptoms) rupture of silicone gel-filled implants
Breast implant associated-anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)
Systemic symptoms, commonly referred to as Breast Implant Illness (BII)