• Breast Implant Illness (BII)

  • Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.

  • Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.

  • Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.

Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a condition that some women are developing after having breast implants inserted. The symptoms of BII are vague and variable, which include but are not limited to fatigue, muscle pain/weakness, chronic pain, memory/concentration problems, depression, migraines, rashes, and chronic-flu-like symptoms. BII is a poorly understood phenomenon, and plastic surgeons are studying it more to learn about it.

Having breast implants is your choice, and should you want to remove them, we can assist you with this. Your breast implants can likely be removed through the same incision they were placed in. In addition to removing the breast implants, we will also remove the capsule around the breast implants. Capsules are made by your body whenever there is an implant of any kind in your body. We will send the breast implant and capsule to pathology to be reviewed. You can be discharged home the same day as your breast implant removal and capsulectomies. We will see you in clinic 1-2 weeks after your surgery.

We will also help you decide what to do after your breast implants and capsules are removed. Some women choose to have no other surgery while others choose to have a mastopexy (breast lift) and/or fat grafting. We will help you choose what is best for you.


  • It depends on your insurance coverage. We will work with you to get it approved through your insurance.

  • No, there is no single diagnostic test that can diagnose you with BII. BII is a clinical diagnosis based on your symptoms. Each patient has a different set of symptoms. We will discuss your symptoms with you and give you our opinion based off our experience.

  • No, BII has occurred in patients that have all types of implants (silicone, saline, smooth, textured, etc).

  • Most patients who have their breast implants and capsules out feel better, but each patient is different.

  • We do not fully understand BII and what causes it. It is a constellation of symptoms that can be associated with a lot of different diagnoses. Plastic surgeons and researchers are working together to learn more about BII. It may be related to a chronic infection versus your body's response to a foreign body. This is currently a hot topic of investigation among plastic surgeons.

  • The decision to remove your implants is your decision. If you want your breast implants removed, we are happy to assist. If you are undecided about removing them, we are happy to answer any questions you may have in order to make that decision. Your body is your choice, and we are here to help you.

Read more about Breast Implant Illness